Location Information

  • Shary Municipal Golf Course
  • 2201 Mayberry Road, Mission, TX, 78572

Tournament Registration

  • 3-Person Team

  • - One Team
    - One Tee Box Sign

  • - Two Teams
    - Two Tee Box Signs

  • - Three Teams
    - ThreeTee Box Signs

  • Mulligans are second-chance shots used to take the place of bad shots or to have a second chance at another putt.

    Two Mulligans for $10.

  • The team pays for a chance to hit their shot from approximately 200 yards from the green.

  • The team pays for a chance to putt their first shot from a circle painted around the hole approximately 15 to 20 feet around the hole.

  • One of each:
    - Mulligans
    - Tiger Woods Drive
    - Jack Nicklaus Putt

*If you don't know all of your team members names, use "TBD" in the fields.

Sponsor's Information

Personal Info


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RedPodium Sports Event Management System